Following a 30-year career with the Toronto District School Board (Agincourt Collegiate Institute and Bliss Carman Sr. P. S.), David retired from the TDSB in February of 2021. Currently, he teaches for the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Arts, Media, Performance and Design at York University. David is a recipient of MusicFest Canada’s Keith Mann Award and is a Laureate of the Legion of Honour for the John Philip Sousa Society. He is a Founding Director and Honorary Life Member of the Ontario Band Association and served on the Board of Directors of the Ontario Music Educators’ Association for 15 years. During his time with the OMEA, David initiated the Awards and Scholarships program and was awarded an Honorary Life Membership in 2022.
David is Conductor of the East York Concert Band, and maintains a busy schedule as a clinician, adjudicator and guest conductor.
David serves as a Conn-Selmer Educational Clinician.