Be a Volunteer

The Golden Horseshoe Music Festival invites you to be part of our premier Southern Ontario music festival. As a volunteer, you will help ensure the successful running of this new and vibrant festival and you will get to enjoy a lot of wonderful music.

What jobs are available?

  • Festival Ambassador – greet music participants, collect donations and sell programs
  • Adjudicator Secretary – assist Adjudicators with festival paperwork
  • Adjudicator Driver – provide rides for Adjudicators to and from festival venues with your vehicle

How long are the shifts?

  • Shifts average 3 hours in length; choose from morning, afternoon, or evening
  • Training is provided

To thank you for volunteering your time for the GHMF you will receive a festival t-shirt and a pass that will admit you to any of the GHMF performances. You will have opportunities to see and hear some of the region’s most impressive music programs.